About Us
When I set-up Shetland & Co. in Essex, Massachusetts, I left some of my favorite realtors in San Francisco. I am thankful to Helen and Brad Miller of the CB Woodside office for teaching me client appreciation in one of the most successful real estate markets in the nation.
Everything about "Home" interests me - furnishings, color, welcoming touches, interior design, gardens, and I hope that it shows at Shetland.

A home-grown Texan attorney, Tom McKenzie has oft been accused of being a professional shopper. He is passionate about cycling, travel, all things Italia, and immensely enjoys time spent with extended family, close friends and dogs Lola and Kane.
Tom lives a unique tri-coastal lifestyle balancing time between his significant other and multiple professional interests, and always seem to be on a plane (or bike) to Boston, San Francisco or San Antonio.